第54号(2003,No.3)目 次
- 世界選手権(陸上競技)の分析(丸山吉五郎)
- 跳躍種目の技術構造(トム・テレツ 訳:森長正樹)
- 水平移動を伴うデプスジャンプのトレーニングがバウンディング能力に与える影響(中丸伸吾,金子今朝秋,越川一紀,濱名慶匡,青木和浩)
- 砲丸投の突き出し局面の改善に関する研究(金子今朝秋,秋本純男,青木和浩)
- 女子投てき選手における競技能力と下腿筋力の関係(青山慎一郎,青山利春,岡田雅次,角田直也)
- '03ユニバーシアード・テグ大会の分析(尾縣 貢)
- 参加標準記録の効果的な在り方に関する研究(長野史尚)
- 走幅跳と棒高跳の踏み切り動作の比較
- Relation of anterior pelvic tilt during running to clinical and kinematic measures of hip extension
- Kinematic and postural characteristics of running
- Muscle power patterns in the mid-acceleration phase of sprinting
- A biomechanical study of the sprint start
- Influence of strength training on sprint running performance
- Dose fatigue induced by repeated dynamic efforts affect hamstring muscle function?
- Long jump with supermaximal and normal speed
- Drop jumping.Ⅰ.The influence of jumping technique on the biomechanics of jumping
- Drop jumping.Ⅱ.The influence of dropping height on the biomechanics of drop jumping
- The effect of plyometric training on distance running performance
- Stance width and bar load effects on leg muscle activity during the parallel squat
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